Payment of Fees Policy

Payment of Fees Policy

National Quality Standards (NQS)

Quality Area 7: Governance and Leadership

7.1.2    Systems are in place to manage risk and enable the effective management and operation of a quality service.


For parents to gain a clear understanding of the service fee structure, ensuring children’s fees are paid on time.


The fee structure of the service includes:

Security deposit on Enrolment 

  • A bond consisting of 2 weeks full fee is to be paid in order to hold a child’s position at the service.
  • The Bond payment will be refunded back to families when the child leaves the service.
  • Please refer to the centre withdrawal policy for minimum notice period required to withdraw your child from the centre

Current Centre Fees

Age group       0 – 2 Years      $106.00

2 – 3 Years      $106.00

3 – 5 Years      $99.00

General Fees

  • Fees are charged daily and vary depending on the families Child Care Subsidy (CCS) entitlements.
  • Fees must be kept two weeks in advance of a child’s attendance at all times
  • Fees are to be paid fortnightly through a direct debit system
  • Fees are payable for every day that a child is enrolled at the service. This includes Public holidays, pupil free days, sick days and family holidays but excludes periods when the service is closed during Christmas break.

(Please note fees are payable on public holidays to cover staff wages on public holidays and other fixed costs)

 Fees are charged at full days only (no matter what the attendance hours are)

  • Casual days may be offered to families if available within the Service’s license
  • Child Care Subsidy (CCS) means test will consider the combined family income as well as an ‘activity test’ which assesses the number of combined hours that parents are in work, training, study or other recognised activity undertaken per fortnight.

Payment of fees

  • Fees are set up using the Service’s direct debit system (Debit success)
  • Families will be issued with a fee statement via email on a fortnightly basis in accordance with the fee payment and Regulatory requirements.
  • A dishonour fee will apply for direct debit transactions where there are insufficient funds to cover the fees. This fee is payable to Debit success, our collection agency

Financial Difficulties

  • If a family is experiencing financial difficulties, a suitable payment plan may be arranged with authorisation of the nominated supervisor

Failure to Pay

  • If a family fails to pay the required fees on time, a reminder letter will be issued after one week and then again after two weeks, where the fees are still outstanding. A child’s position will be terminated if payment has not been made after the three weeks, to which the family will receive a final letter terminating the child’s position. At this time the service will initiate its debt collection procedure.

Late Fees

  • It is unacceptable to pick children up late from the Service. A late fee will apply where children are not picked up prior to closing time. Currently, a fee of $3.00 per minute and charged 10 minutes block.
  • A review of the child’s enrolment will occur where families are consistently late.

Change of Fees

  • Fees are subject to change at any time provided a minimum of four weeks written notice is given to all families

 Termination of Enrolment

  • Parents are to provide six weeks (first six months) and four weeks (after the initial six months) written notice of their intention to withdraw a child from the centre.
  • If termination from the centre is required without notification, families can lose their Child Care Subsidy (CCS) resulting in the payment of full fees to be charged.

Responsibility of Management

  • The Nominated Supervisor or the Admin Manager is responsible for the billing and chasing of fees.
  • Should families wish to discuss fees, they will need to see the Nominated Supervisor or the Admin Manager


  • The Business of Child Care, Karen Kearns
  • National Quality Standards

Previously reviewed February 2011.  Reviewed January 2012, December 2013, October 2014. August 2015.

January 2016; Updated July 2018: Updated July 2020

Suba Pillai

Tiny Tots Long Day Care Centre