Care Plan Form Enrolment ID*Contact Email* Does your child have any friends at Tiny Tots that he/she knows from outside the centre?Has your child been in care before? If yes, where and for how long?Do you anticipate separation problems when you leave your child and what will help the situation?Do you consider your child to be out-going or shy? Out-going Shy What is your family’s cultural background—immediate and extended?Languages spoken at homeWhat cultural celebrations / experiences do you celebrate in your family?Are there any religious or cultural practices you would like us to observe at the centre?Does your child have any problems in communicating (E.g. stuttering etc)Are there any family-preferred care-giving strategies that work for you and your child (e.g. at meal-times, when your child is upset?)RoutinesEating patternsDoes your child require help to feed her/himself?Are there any food cultural requirements?Are there any issues relating to food?Your child’s food preferences (likes / dislikes?)Does your child have a small or large appetite?Does your child have a bottle? If so, what type and which teat?Does your child drink formula? If so which type and how often?Which of the following is your child accustomed to Ordinary cup Spout cup Straw cup Bottle Sleeping patternsWhat time does your child sleep at night and wake in the morning?Does your child have naps during the day? How many and for how long?Would you like your child to sleep at the centre?How will we know when your child is tired?Is there any special routine for nap-time?Are there any cultural practices you’d like us to observe related to sleeping?ToiletingIs your child toilet-trained? Yes No Is your child in nappies? Yes No Does your child require assistance to use the toilet? Yes No Does your child have toileting accidents? Yes No Are there any special instructions for nappy changes?Are there any special words your family use at home for toileting?HealthIs your child consulting any health professional at present?Is your child attending any Early Childhood Intervention Services? (If yes, is it OK if we work together with them as a team for the benefit of your child?)Are there any special needs in relation to your child’s development and / or care?Does your child have any allergies? (If so what symptoms does he/she display?)How is an allergic attack treated?Does he/she require medication?(We will need an action plan for your child from a GP)Does your child have any on-going disease e.g. asthma, epilepsy etc ?Is your child taking any long-term medication?Are there any practices concerning your child’s health or protection you would like us to observe?Please indicate your child’s particular likes / dislikes (in relation to play, toys, games, music, pastimes etc)What do you feel are your child’s current needs? (e.g. toilet-training, social skills, vocabulary etc?)How could we assist in these areas?What are your child’s current interests?How can we foster these interests at the centre?What do you feel are your child’s strengths at this point in time?CommunicationPlease indicate the best way to communicate with you Phone calls at work Phone calls at home Email Face-to-face - Morning Face-to-face - Afternoon Please list what skills, talents, interests, and culture that you and your family (not forgetting Grandparents) would be happy to share with the program and centre.