Health and Safety

Our centre provides a healthy and safe environment for children, staff and families to grow and develop in. The centre has health, safety and hygiene policies regarding illnesses and medications.


If your child becomes sick or has an infectious illness, we ask you to keep your child at home. No child will be admitted with obvious signs of any highly contagious infection or illness. Our policy states the incubation period, symptoms and exclusion periods of such diseases. Children who are not immunised will be required to be exempt from the centre.

If your child becomes sick whilst in our care, we will contact you so that arrangements can be made for your child to be taken home. It is your responsibility to always ensure we have a phone number where you can be contacted at all times.


Staff can administer medication prescribed by a GP only. Over-the-counter medications will not be given whilst at the centre. A medication form must be completed and signed by parents before any medication will be given. These are located in the foyer.

All containers must be clearly labeled with your child’s name only, not another family member. Medication must be in-date and in its original container. Medication and the completed medication form must be handed to a staff member to store in a locked container in the fridge. DO NOT leave any medication, creams, herbal mixtures in your child’s bags.


Immunisation requirements for payments

To meet the immunisation requirements for Family Tax Benefit Part A supplement and Child Care Benefit, your child needs to:

  • be up to date with their immunisations according to the early childhood vaccination schedule appropriate for your child’s age, or
  • have a medical exemption

The National Immunisation Program Schedule on the Department of Health Immunise Australia Program website specifies the age your child should receive certain vaccines. Most of the immunisations on the National Immunisation Program Schedule are linked to family assistance payments.


In case of an accident or illness occurring at the centre, the Director will contact parents if deemed necessary. As a matter of extreme importance parents must ensure that the centre has up to date emergency contact numbers. An incident report will be filled out, outlining the accident and signed by the staff who observed and administered.