Parent Communication

We believe the best way to work with you and your child is by building a partnership of care. To do this we want you to feel that you are given lots of information about what is happening and you are asked for your views.

We can communicate with you in the following ways;

  • Face-to-face at the beginning and end of the day
  • Regular newsletters, sent via email wherever possible
  • Via our online curriculum management software QKeYLM
  • A notice board in the foyer for various messages, upcoming events and other issues
  • Short surveys or comments to obtain parent feedback on any new topics
  • Your ‘pocket’ which is for written communication, accounts etc
  • Policies which have been recently reviewed will be sent via email for parent feedback
  • Occasional parent meetings where parents can raise any issues or topics of concern
  • Staff will inform families promptly and sensitively of any out of the ordinary incidents affecting your child
  • Staff will share with children’s families some of the specific interactions they had with the children during the day. This may be verbally, by photos or by written documentation via our curriculum management software
  • Children’s eating and sleeping information can be found on the sign-in sheet
  • Please feel free at anytime in person, by phone or email to discuss your child’s progress, relationships, interests and experiences