School Readiness

As your child approaches Primary School, our focus is to prepare them for the challenges and emotional experiences that will arise during their transition to formal schooling. The School Readiness Program is delivered to children in a variety of ways to make their learning fun and as interactive as possible. This is done in both structured and non-structured sessions throughout play times and group interactions.

The areas of development and learning we focus on include:

Language: letter recognition, phonics, blending sounds, comprehension, story telling, memory recall skills, expressive and receptive communication skills, and following verbal instructions to complete a task.

Number and math: number recognition, counting, sequencing, grouping objects according to size, colour and shape, grouping the number of objects with a given number, measurement including mass, volume, capacity, length, height and weight, estimation, and recognition of complex shapes including 2D and 3D shapes.

Social and emotional: dealing with conflict, discussing emotions and feelings and identifying ways to deal with these, and reciting their full name and address.

Writing skills: number and letter formation, name writing, pencil grips, eye hand coordination, and tracing.

Creative skills: scissor control, drawing recognisable pictures, and using imagination during art and craft experiences.

Tiny Tots strives to support each and every child at their own individual level of development, as we recognise that each child will learn at their own pace. We look forward to working with parents to prepare their children for the future. Please feel free to contact us if you would like more information on the School Readiness Program.